Thursday, May 13, 2010

LESSON PLAN WEEK 18 – 19 [3 – 14 MAY 2010]


LESSON PLAN WEEK 18 [3 – 7 MAY 2010]


Date / Day

3 May 2010 / Monday




0815 – 0925



Learning Area

8.0 : Circles III

Learning Objective

8.1 : Tangents to a Circle.

Learning Outcome

8.1.1 : Identify tangents to a circle.

8.1.2 : Make inference that the tangent to a circle is a straight line perpendicular

to the radius that passes through the contact point.

8.1.3 : Construct the tangent to a circle passing through a point :

(a) on the circumference of a circle;

(b) outside the circle.

8.1.4 : Determine the properties related to two tangents to a circle from a given

point outside the circle.

8.1.5 : Solve problems involving tangents to a circle.

Learning Activity

1. Explain examples to the students.

2. Give exercises to the students to solve.

3. Allow the students to solve the questions in pairs.

4. Guide the students in solving the questions.

5. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.


Identify, Make Inference, Constructing, Determining, Solving Problem

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Strategic Practice Mathematics F4 [Pelangi]


Most of the students able to solve all the questions given.




Date / Day

3 May 2010 / Monday




1055 – 1130



Learning Area

4.0 : Matrices

Learning Objective

Solving Problem on Matrices

Learning Outcome.

Students will be able to solve SPM Orientated Exercises.

Learning Activity

1. Give exercises to the students to solve.

2. Allow the students to solve the questions.

3. Guide the students in solving the questions.

4. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.


Solving Problem.

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Strategic Practice Mathematics F5 [Pelangi]


Most of the students able to solve all the questions given.




Date / Day

3 May 2010 / Monday




1205 – 1240



Learning Area

4.0 : Matrices

Learning Objective

4.6 : Identity Matrix

Identity matrices are also square matrices because the number of columns

And the number of rows are the same.

Learning Outcome

A : Determining whether a given matrix is an identity matrix and writing the

Identity matrix of any order.

B : Calculation involving identity matrices.

Learning Activity

1. Explain examples to the students.

2. Give exercises to the students to solve.

3. Allow the students to solve the questions in pairs.

4. Guide the students in solving the questions.

5. Discuss the solutions fo r each of the question with the students.


Determining, Calculating

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Strategic Practice Mathematics F5 [Pelangi]


Most of the students able to solve all the questions given with the teacher's guidance.



Date / Day

4 May 2010 / Tuesday




0705 – 0815



Learning Area

4.0 : Matrices

Learning Objective

4.7 : Inverse Matrix [Revision]

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to solve questions on inverse matrix using formula.


AA-1 = I


A = , A-1 =





Determinant = ad - bc

If ad – bc, therefore no inverse matrix for matrix A.

Learning Activity

1. Give exercises to the students to solve.

2. Allow the students to solve the questions in pairs.

3. Guide the students in solving the questions.

4. Discuss the solutions fo r each of the question with the students.


Determining, Calculating

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Mathematics 3G [SPM Model Papers] {EASTVIEW}


Most of the students able to solve all the questions given.




Date / Day

4 May 2010 / Tuesday




0815 – 0925



Learning Area

10.0 : Plans and Elevations

Learning Objective

10.1 : Plans and Elevations of Simple Solid Objects

Learning Outcome

Draw in full scale, the plans and elevations of the simple solid objects.

Learning Activity

1. Explain examples to the students.

2. Give exercises to the students to solve.

3. Allow the students to solve the questions given.

4. Guide the students in solving the questions.

5. Discuss the solution for each of the question with the students.


Drawing, Accuracy and Precise

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]


Most of the students able to solve all the question given with the teacher's guidance.




Date / Day

4 May 2010 / Tuesday




1055 – 1130



Learning Area

8.0 : Circles III

Learning Objective

8.2 : Angle Between Tangent and Chord

Learning Outcome

8.2.1 : Identify the angle in the alternate segment which is subtended by the

chord through the contact point of the tangent.

8.2.2 : Verify the relationship between the angle formed by the tangent and the

chord with the angle in the alternate segment which is subtended by the


8.2.3 : Perform calculations involving the angle in alternate segment.

8.2.4 : Solve problems involving the angle in alternate segment.

Learning Activity

1. Explain examples to the students.

2. Give exercises to the students to solve.

3. Allow the students to solve the questions in pairs.

4. Guide the students in solving the questions.

5. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.


Identifying, Verifying, Perform Calculation, Problem Solving

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Strategic Practice Mathematics F4 [Pelangi]


Most of the students able to solve all the questions given



Date / Day

5 May 2010 / Wednesday




0945 – 1055



Learning Area

4.0 : Matrices

Learning Objective

4.7 : Inverse Matrix

Learning Outcome

A : Determining whether a 2 x 2 matrix is the inverse matrix of another 2 x 2


B : The inverse matrix of a 2 x 2 matrix

  1. Using method of solving simultaneous linear equations
  2. Using formula


    AA-1 = I


    A = , A-1 =





    Determinant = ad - bc

If ad – bc, therefore no inverse matrix for matrix A.

Learning Activity

1. Explain examples to the students.

2. Give exercises to the students to solve.

3. Allow the students to solve the questions in pairs.

4. Guide the students in solving the questions.

5. Discuss the solutions fo r each of the question with the students.


Determining, Calculating

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Strategic Practice Mathematics F5 [Pelangi]


Most of the students able to solve all the questions given.




Date / Day

5 May 2010 / Wednesday




1055 – 1130



Learning Area

10.0 : Plans and Elevations

Learning Objective

10.2 : Plans and Elevations of Combined Solid Objects

Learning Outcome

Draw in full scale, the plans and elevations of the combined solid objects.

Learning Activity

1. Explain examples to the students.

2. Give exercises to the students to solve.

3. Allow the students to solve the questions given.

4. Guide the students in solving the questions.

5. Discuss the solution for each of the question with the students.


Drawing, Accuracy and Precise

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]


Most of the students able to solve all the question given with the teacher's guidance.




Date / Day

5 May 2010 / Wednesday




1205 – 1240


"Pemulihan Bahasa Inggeris"

Learning Area


Learning Objective


Learning Outcome

Students will be able to used the wh-questions in proper form.

Learning Activity

1. Write the questions on board for the students to copy.

2. Allow the students to fill in the blank with the correct wh-question.

3. Discuss the correct answer for each of the words.



Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids



Most of the students able to fill in the blank with the correct wh-question..




Date / Day

6 May 2010 / Thursday




0705 – 0815



Learning Area

4.0 : Matrices

Learning Objective

4.8 : Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations Using Matrices [Revision]

Learning Outcome

A : Writing simultaneous linear equations in matrix form.

3x – 4y = 9

x + 2y = – 2



B :Finding the matrix in =

C : Solving simultaneous linear equations using the matrix method.

D : Solving problems involving matrices.

Learning Activity

1. Explain examples to the students.

2. Give exercises to the students to solve.

3. Allow the students to solve the questions in pairs.

4. Guide the students in solving the questions.

5. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.


Calculating, Problem solving

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Mathematics 3G SPM Model Papers [EASTVIEW]


Most of the students able to solve all the questions given.




Date / Day

6 May 2010 / Thursday




0945 – 1055


"Pemulihan Bahasa Inggeris"

Learning Area


Learning Objective

Modals : Can, May/Might, ay, Must, Will Shoud

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to used the modals in a proper form.

Learning Activity

1. Write the fifteen sentences on board for the students to copy.

2. Allow the students to underline the correct modal for each of the sentence.

3. Discuss the correct answer for each of the sentence.



Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

English Form 2 [Pearson Longman Sdn. Bhd.]


Most of the students able to underline the correct modal for each of the sentence.




Date / Day

6 May 2010 / Thursday




0945 – 1055



Learning Area

4.0 : Matrices

Learning Objective

4.8 : Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations Using Matrices

Learning Outcome

A : Writing simultaneous linear equations in matrix form.

3x – 4y = 9

x + 2y = – 2



B :Finding the matrix in =

C : Solving simultaneous linear equations using the matrix method.

D : Solving problems involving matrices.

Learning Activity

1. Explain examples to the students.

2. Give exercises to the students to solve.

3. Allow the students to solve the questions in pairs.

4. Guide the students in solving the questions.

5. Discuss the solutions fo r each of the question with the students.


Calculating, Problem solving

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Strategic Practice Mathematics F5 [Pelangi]


Most of the students able to solve all the questions given with the teacher's guidance.




Date / Day

7 May 2010 / Friday




0815 – 0925



Learning Area

8.0 : Circles III

Learning Objective

8.3 : Common Tangents

Learning Outcome

8.3.1 : Determine the number of common tangents which can be drawn to two

circles which :

  1. : intersect at two points;
  2. : intersect only at one point;
  3. : do not intersect.

8.3.2 : Determine the properties related to the common tangent to two circles

which :

  1. : intersect at two points;
  2. : intersect only at one point;
  3. : do not intersect.

8.3.3 : Solve problems involving common tangents to two circles.

8.3.4 : Solve problems involving tangents and common tangents.

Learning Activity

1. Explain examples to the students.

2. Give exercises to the students to solve.

3. Allow the students to solve the questions in pairs.

4. Guide the students in solving the questions.

5. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.


Determining, Problem Solving

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Strategic Practice Mathematics F4 [Pelangi]


Most of the students able to solve all the questions given.




Date / Day

7 May 2010 / Friday




0945 – 1055



Learning Area

10.0 : Plan and Elevation

Learning Objective

10.3 : Guided Practice [Plans and Elevations of Combined Solid Objects].

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to draw in full scale the plans and elevations of combined solid objects

Learning Activity

1. Explain examples to the students.

2. Give exercises to the students to solve.

3. Allow the students to solve the questions in pairs.

4. Guide the students in solving the questions.

5. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.


Drawing plans and elevation, Accuracy, Tidy

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Strategic Practice Mathematics F5 [Pelangi]


Most of the students able to solve all the questions given.



Date /Day

8 May 2010 / Saturday


Gotong-royong PIBG

Tugasan – Membantu Ibubapa membersih blok A

Bidang tugas :-

1 : Membuang sawang di syiling.

2 : Membersih kipas

3 : Membersih cermin tingkap.

4 : Mencuci meja yang berconteng.

5 : Menyapu sampah



LESSON PLAN WEEK 19 [10 – 14 MAY 2010]AY 2010]AN WEEK 18 [3 - 7


Date / Day

10 May 2010 / Monday




0815 – 0925



Learning Area

1.0 : Standard Form [Revision]

Learning Objective

  1. : Significant Figure
  2. : Standard Form

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to solve ten questions on significant figure and standard form.

Learning Activity

1. Give exercises to the students to solve.

2. Guide the students in solving the questions.

3. Discuss the solutions for each question given.


Problems Solving

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 4 [Pelangi]


Cannot perform duties because of conjunctivitis and was given a sick leave by the doctor for 3 days from today.




Date / Day

10 May 2010 / Monday


5S4 / 5K7


1055 – 1130 / 1205 – 1240



Learning Area

6.0 : Statistics II

Learning Objective

6.3 : Histogram

6.4 : Frequency Polygons

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to solve problems involving histogram and frequency polygon.

Learning Activity

1. Give exercises to the students to solve.

2. Allow the students to solve the questions in pairs.

3. Guide the students in solving the questions.

4. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.


Calculating, Construct CF table, Drawing, Interpreting

Noble Value

Responsible, Cooperation

Teaching's Aids

Strategic Practice Mathematics F5 [Pelangi]


Cannot perform duties because of conjunctivitis and was given a sick leave by the doctor for 3 days from today.



Date / Day

11 May 2010 / Tuesday




0705 – 0815




Cannot perform duties because of conjunctivitis and was given a sick leave by the doctor for 3 days from 10 May 2010.




Date / Day

11 May 2010 / Tuesday




0815 – 0925




Cannot perform duties because of conjunctivitis and was given a sick leave by the doctor for 3 days from 10 May 2010.




Date / Day

11 May 2010 / Tuesday




1205 – 1240




Cannot perform duties because of conjunctivitis and was given a sick leave by the doctor for 3 days from 10 May 2010.



Date / Day

12 May 2010 / Wednesday




0945 – 1055




Cannot perform duties because of conjunctivitis and was given a sick leave by the doctor for 3 days from 10 May 2010.




Date / Day

12 May 2010 / Wednesday




1055 – 1130




Cannot perform duties because of conjunctivitis and was given a sick leave by the doctor for 3 days from 10 May 2010.




Date / Day

12 May 2010 / Wednesday




1205 – 1240


"Pemulihan Bahasa Inggeris"


Cannot perform duties because of conjunctivitis and was given a sick leave by the doctor for 3 days from 10 May 2010.



Date / Day

13 May 2010 / Thursday




0705 – 0815



Learning Area

First Semester Examination :

Subject : Bahasa Melayu 1

Duration : 1 hour 15 minutes

Start : 0710

Terminate : 0925




Date / Day

13 May 2010 / Thursday




0945 – 1055


"Pemulihan Bahasa Inggeris"


Private Study

First Semester Examination :

Subject : Bahasa Inggeris 1

Duration : 1¾ hours

Start : 1055

Terminate : 1240




Date / Day

13 May 2010 / Thursday




1205 – 1240




First Semester Examination :

Subject : Bahasa Melayu 2

Duration : 1½ hours

Start : 1010

Terminate : 1240




Date / Day

14 May 2010 / Friday




0815 – 0925




First Semester Examination :

Subject : Pendidikan Islam 1/Pendidikan Moral

Duration : 2 hours / 2½ hours

Start : 0930 /0900

Terminate : 1130 / 1130




Date / Day

14 May 2010 / Friday




0940 – 1040




First Semester Examination :

Subject : Bahasa Inggeris 2

Duration : 2 hours 15 minutes

Start : 0925

Terminate : 1140


1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot, I think your lesson plans are excellent, and you have a very nice blog!



Date / Day 4 January 2010  /  Monday
Class 4S5
Time 0815 - 0925
Subject Mathematics
Note Unable to start the learning and teaching process because the teacher was delivering the textbooks to the students of 5K8.

Date / Day 4 January 2010  /  Monday
Class 5S4
Time 1055 - 1130
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number in Bases Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome A : Stating a number as a number in base two [binary number], 
      base eight [octal number] and base five [quinary number]
B : Stating the value of a digit of a number in bases two, eight and 
C : Writing a number in bases two, eight and five in expanded 
L. Activity 1. Explain examples 1, 2 and 3 to the students.
2. Give the students exercises ; Check Point 1, 2 and 3 to solve.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions given.
4. Discuss the solution with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Coopertaion
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve all the questions.

Date / Day 4 January 2010 / Monday
Class 5K7
Time 1205 - 1240
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number in Bases Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome A : Stating a number as a number in base two [binary number]
B : Stating the value of a digit of a number in base two.
L. Activity 1. Explain how to state the numbers in base ten into the number in 
    base two.
2. Explain how to state the value of a digit of a number in base two.
3. Give exercise to the students to solve.
4. Guide the students in solving the questions.
5. Discuss the solution of each question with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation.
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve the questions given.

Date / Day 5 January 2010 / Tuesday
Class 5S4
Time 0705 - 0815
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number in Bases Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome D : Converting numbers in base two, eight or five to numbers in base
      ten and vice versa.
L. Activity 1. Explain examples 4 and 5 to the students.
2. Give exercises : Check point 4 and 5 to the students to solve.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions.
4. Discuss the solution of each of the question with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve the questions given.

Date / Day 5 January 2010 / Tuesday
Class 5K8
Time 0815 - 0925
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number in Bases Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome A : Stating a number as a number in base two.
L. Activity 1. Explain the place value of the number in base two [binary number]
2. Explain example 1 to the students.
3. Give exercise : Check Point 1 [Q1, 2a and 3] to the students.
4. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve the questions given.

Date / Day 5 January 2010 / Tuesday
Class 4S5
Time 1055 - 1130
Subject Mathematics
L. Area !.0 : Standard Form
L. Objective 1.1 : Significant Figures
1.2 : .Standard Form
L. Outcome Significant Figures refer to the digits which are relevant in an integer or decimal number that is being approximated
A number written in standard form is A x 10n
L. Activity 1. Introduce chapter 1 : Standard Form to the students.
2. Explain significant figures and standard form to the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aid Erasable Board, Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 4 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve the questions orally in the class.

Date / Day 6 January 2010 / Wednesday
Class 4S5
Time 0815 - 0925
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Standard Form
L. Objective 1.1 : Significant Figures
L. Outcome 1.1.1 : Rounding off positive numbers to a given number of 
           significant figures when the numbers are :
           (a) greater than 1;
           (b) less than 1.
A few rules must be follow when rounding off a number to a given number of significant figures.
1. All non-zero digits are significant figures
     2.93 has 3 significant figures
     5189 has 4 significant figures.
2. The digit zero can be a significant figure or non-significant 
     figure depending on its position in the number.
    * Zeroes that are located between two non-zero digits are                    significant figures.
       - 4003 has 4 significant figures
       - 17.001 has 5 significant figures
    * For a whole number, zeroes that are to the right of the last                non-zero digit are either significant or non-significant figures              depending on the level of accuracy required.
       - 48000 has 2 significant figures when approximated to the                   nearest thousands
       - 48000 has 3 significant figures when approximated to the
          nearest hundreds
     * For a decimal number less than 1, zeroes to the left of the first 
        non-zero digit are non-significant figures. The zeroes show the 
        number of decimal places.
        - 0.00007 has 1 significant figure
        - 0.005418 has 4 significant figures
      * For any decimal number, zeroes to the right of the last                      non-zero digit are significant figures. They show the level of              accuracy of the decimal number.
         - 8.1500 has 5 significant figures
         - 0.180 has 3 significant figures

L. Activity 1. Explain the rules when rounding off the number.
2. Give Exercise 1.1A to the students to solve.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions.
4. Discuss the solutions of each question with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Erasable Board, Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 4 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve all the questions in Exercise 1.1A

Date / Day 6 January 2010 / Wednesday
Class 5K7
Time 0945 - 1055
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number in bases Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome C : Writing a number in bases two, eight and five in expanded                 notation
L. Activity 1. Explain example 3 to the students
    (a) 1012 = 1 x 22 + 0 x 21 + 1 x 2
    (b) 47168 = 4 x 83 + 7 x 82 + 1 x 81 + 6 x 80
    (c) 120345 = 1 x 54 + 2 x 53 + 0 x 52 + 3 x 51 + 4 x 50
2. Give exercise : Check Point 3 to the students to solve.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions.
4. Discuss the solutions for each of the question.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to write the number in bases two, eight and five in expanded notation.

Date / Day 6 January 2010 / Wednesday
Class 5K8
Time 1055 - 1130
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number in Bases Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome A : Stating a number as a number in bases eight and five
L. Activity 1. Explain the place value of the number in base two [binary number]
2. Explain example 1 to the students.
3. Give exercise : Check Point 1 [Q1, 2b, 2c 4 and 5] to the                 students.
4. Discuss the solutions for each question with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve the questions given with the teacher's guidance.

Date / Day 6 January 2010 / Wednesday
Class 4K7
Time 1205 - 1240
Subject Pemulihan Bahasa Inggeris
L. Area Introduction
L. Objective Simple Conversation
L. Outcome Students able to introduce themselves and tell the class about their particulars.
L. Activity 1. Teacher introduces herself to the students.
1. Each of the students has to introduce themselves
2. Doing Simple conversation with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids "Simple English"  [Alaf 21 Sdn. Bhd.]
Reflection Most of the students do cooperate with the teacher.

Date / Day 7 January 2010 / Thursday
Class 5S4
Time 0705 - 0815
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Basses
L. Objective 1.1 : Number Bases in Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome E : Converting a number in a certain base to a number in another 
L. Activity 1. Explain example 6 and 7 to the students.
2. Give exercises : Check Point 6 and 7 to the students to solve.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions given.
4. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve all the questions given.

Date / Day 7 January 2010 / Thursday
Class 4K7
Time 0945 - 1055
Subject Pemulihan Bahasa Inggeris
L. Area 1.0 : Nouns
L. Objective 1.1 : Study and identify the illustrations
1.2 : Fill in the column correctly
L. Outcome Students will be able to identify the illustration and fill in the nouns of peoples, things, animals and places in the correct column.
L. Activity 1. Distribute the worksheet to the students.
2. Allow the students to complete the sentences.
3. Discuss the answers for each of the sentences.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids "Simple English" [Alaf 21 Sendirian Berhad]
Reflection A few of the students able to complete the sentences correctly.

Date / Day 7 January 2010 / Thursday
Class 5K7
Time 1055 - 1205
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number Bases in Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome D : Converting numbers in base two, eight and five to numbers in
      base ten and vice versa.
L. Activity 1. Explain example 4 to the students.
2. Give exercise ; Check Point 4 to the students to solve.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions given.
4. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve the questions given with the teacher's guidance.

Date / Day 8 January 2010 / Friday
Class 5K8
Time 0945 - 1055
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number in Bases Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome B : Stating the value of a digit of a number in bases two, eight and 
L. Activity 1. Explain example 2 to the students.
2. Give the exercise ; Check Point 2 to the students to solve.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions.
4. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection A few students able to solve the questions given. Those students that unable to solve the questions were guided by the teacher in solving all the questions.

                       LESSON  PLAN  WEEK  2  :  11  -  15  JANUARY  2010

Date / Day 11 January 2010 / Monday
Class 4S5
Time 0815 - 0925
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Standard Form
L. Objective 1.2 : Standard Form
L. Outcome 1.2.1 : Stating the numbers in standard form when the numbers are :
           (a) greater than or equal to 10;
           (b) less than 1
L. Activity 1. Explain example 4, 5 and 6 to the students.
2. Give Exercise 1.2A [Q1, Q2 and Q3] to the students to solve.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions.
4. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 4 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve all the questions in the class.

Date / Day 11 January 2010 / Monday
Class 5S4
Time 1055 - 1130
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number Bases in Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome F : Addition and subtraction of two binary numbers
L. Activity 1. Explain example 8 and 9 to the students.
2. Give exercise; Check Point 8 [Q! and Q2] to the students.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions given.
4. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve all the questions given

Date / Day 11 January 2010 / Monday
Class 5K7
Time 1205 - 1240
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number Bases in Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome C : Writing a number in bases two, eight and five in expanded                 notation.
D : Converting numbers in base two, eight and five to numbers in             base ten and vice versa.
L. Activity 1. Explain example 3 to the students
    (a) 1012 = 1 x 22 + 0 x 21 + 1 x 2
    (b) 47168 = 4 x 83 + 7 x 82 + 1 x 81 + 6 x 80
    (c) 120345 = 1 x 54 + 2 x 53 + 0 x 52 + 3 x 51 + 4 x 50
2. Expalin example 4 to the students.
    (a) 1012 = 1 x 22 + 0 x 21 + 1 x 20
                  = 1 x 4 + 0 x 2 + 1 x 1
                  = 4 + 0 + 1
                  = 510
    (b) 47168 = 4 x 83 + 7 x 82 + 1 x 81 + 6 x 80
                    = 4 x 512 + 7 x 64 + 1 x 8 + 6 x 1
                    = 2048 + 448 + 8 + 6
                    = 251010
    (c) 120345 = 1 x 54 + 2 x 53 + 0 x 52 + 3 x 51 + 4 x 50
                      = 1 x 625 + 2 x 125 + 0 x 25 + 3 x 5 + 4 x 1
                      = 625 + 250 + 0 + 15 + 4
                      = 89410
3. Give exercise : Check Point 3 and 4 to the students to solve.
4. Guide the students in solving the questions.
5. Discuss the solutions for each of the question.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching' s Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve the questions given with the teacher's guidance.

Date / Day 12 January 2010 / Tuesday
Class 5S4
Time 0705 - 0815
Subject Mathematics
Note There is no teaching and learning process because the form five students having an assembly.

Date / Day 12 January 2010 / Tuesday
Class 5K8
Time 0815 - 0925
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number Bases in Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome C : Writing a number in bases two, eight and five in expanded                 notation.
D : Converting numbers in base two, eight and five to numbers in             base ten.
L. Activity 1. Explain example 3 to the students
    (a) 1012 = 1 x 22 + 0 x 21 + 1 x 20
    (b) 47168 = 4 x 83 + 7 x 82 + 1 x 81 + 6 x 80
    (c) 120345 = 1 x 54 + 2 x 53 + 0 x 52 + 3 x 51 + 4 x 50
2. Expalin example 4 to the students.
    (a) 1012 = 1 x 22 + 0 x 21 + 1 x 20
                  = 1 x 4 + 0 x 2 + 1 x 1
                  = 4 + 0 + 1
                  = 510
    (b) 47168 = 4 x 83 + 7 x 82 + 1 x 81 + 6 x 80
                    = 4 x 512 + 7 x 64 + 1 x 8 + 6 x 1
                    = 2048 + 448 + 8 + 6
                    = 251010
    (c) 120345 = 1 x 54 + 2 x 53 + 0 x 52 + 3 x 51 + 4 x 50
                      = 1 x 625 + 2 x 125 + 0 x 25 + 3 x 5 + 4 x 1
                      = 625 + 250 + 0 + 15 + 4
                      = 89410
3. Give exercise : Check Point 3  and 4 to the students to solve.
4. Guide the students in solving the questions.
5. Discuss the solutions for each of the question.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve all the questions given with the teacher's guidance.

Date / Day 12 January 2010 / Tuesday
Class 4S5
Time 1055 - 1130
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 2.0 : Quadratic Expressions and Equations
L. Objective 2.1 : Quadratic Exprressions
L. Outcome 2.1.1 : Identify quadratic expressions
           A quadratic expressions is an expressions in the form 
           ax2 + bx + c, where a, b and c are constant, a not equal to 0            and x is an unknown.
L. Activity 1. Explain how to identify quadratic expressions.
    A quadratic expressions satisfies the following conditions :
    (i)  there is only one unknown
    (ii) the highest power of the unknown is 2.
2. Explain example 1 to the students.
3. Give Exercise 2.1A to the students to solve.
4. Guide the students in solving the questions.
5. Discuss the solutions for each of the question.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 4 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve all the questions.

Date / Day 13 January 2010 / Wednesday
Class 5K7 / 5K8
Time 0945 - 1055 / 1055 - 1130
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number Bases in Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome D : Converting numbers in base ten to numbers in base two, eight           and five.
      Using a process known as repeated division.
L. Activity 1. Explain example 5 to the students and explain the simplest way to     convert numbers in base ten to numbers in base two, eight and         five.
2. Give exercise; Check Point 5 to the students to solve.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions.
4. Discuss the solutions for each of the questions with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve the questions given with the teacher's guidance.

Date / Day 13 January 2010 / Wednesday
Class 4K7
Time 1205 - 1240
Subject Pemulihan Bahasa Inggeris
L. Area Nouns of Peoples, Things, Animals and Places
L. Objective Nouns of Peoples
L. Outcome Completing the sentences with the suitable nouns of peoples.
L. Activity 1. Distribute the worksheet to the students.
2. Allow the students to complete the sentences.
3. Discuss the answers with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Worksheet [Simple English : Alaf 21 Sdn Bhd]
Reflection A few students able to fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
Most of the students do not know the meaning of the words in the sentences.

Date / Day 14 January 2010 / Thursday
Class 5S4
Time 0705 - 0815
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 2.0 : Graphs of  Functions II
L. Objective 2.1 : Graphs of Functions
L. Outcome Completing the table of x values when given the functions.
L. Activity 1. Explain examples how to complete the table.
     y = 2x2 + x -1
     when x = - 4
     y = 2(- 4)2 + (- 4) -1
     y = 2(16) - 4 -1
     y = 32 - 4 - 1
     y = 27
2. Give exercise to students to solve.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions
4. Discuss the solution some of the questions in the class.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to complete the tables.

Date / Day 14 January 2010 / Thursday
Class 4K7
Time 0945 - 1055
Subject Pemulihan Bahasa Inggeris
L. Area Nouns of Peoples, Things, Animals and Places
L. Objective Nouns of Things
L. Outcome Completing the sentences with the suitable nouns of things
L. Activity 1. Distribute the worksheet to the students.
2. Allow the students to complete the sentences.
3. Discuss the answers with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Worksheet [Simple English : Alaf 21 Sdn Bhd.]
Reflection A few students able to complete the sentences correctly.
Most of the students need to do more exercises on English Language

Date / Day 14 January 2010 / Thursday
Class 5K7
Time 1055 - 1205
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number Bases in Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome E : Converting a number in a certain base to a number in another            base.
F : Addition and subtraction of two binary numbers
L. Activity 1. Explain example 6, 7, 8 and 9 to the students..
2. Give exercises : Check Point 6, 7 and 8 to the students to solve.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions given.
4. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.
Noble Value Rssponsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve the questions given with the teacher's guidance.

Date / Day 15 January 2010 / Friday
Class 4S5
Time 0815 - 0925
Subject Mathemastics
L. Area 2.0 : Quadratic Expressions and Equations
L. Objective 2.1 : Quadratic Expressions
L. Outcome 2.1.2 : Form quadratic expression by multiplying any two linear                    expressions.
L. Activity 1. Explain example 2 to the stuents.
2. Give Exercise 2.1B to the students to solve.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions.
4. Discuss the solutions for each of the questions with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Strategic Practice Mathematics Form 4 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve all the questions given.

Date / Day 15 JAnuary 2010 / Friday
Class 5K8
Time 0940 - 1040
Subject Mathematics
L. Area 1.0 : Number Bases
L. Objective 1.1 : Number Bases Two, Eight and Five
L. Outcome E : Converting a number in a certain base to a number in another            base.
F : Addition and subtraction of two binary numbers
L. Activity 1. Explain example 6, 7, 8 and 9 to the students..
2. Give exercises : Check Point 6, 7 and 8 to the students to solve.
3. Guide the students in solving the questions given.
4. Discuss the solutions for each of the question with the students.
Noble Value Responsible, Cooperation
Teaching's Aids Styrategic Practice Mathematics Form 5 [Pelangi]
Reflection Most of the students able to solve the questions given.